Scoring in ACFA is not affected by the numer of cats in the class, other than determining how many placings will be awarded. Allbreed rings always place the top 10 unless there are less than 10 cats entered. If there are 50 or more cats entered, then top 15 will be placed. In the specialty rings (longhair and shorthair have separate classes), top 5 will be placed. If there are 25 or more cats in the class, then the top 10 will be placed, and 50 entries will have the top 15 placed.
Cats can earn titles starting with Royal at 250 points, double Royal (500), and Triple Royal (750), Then they earn Supreme (1000),Double Supreme (1250), Triple Supreme (1500), Quadruple Supreme (1750) and Honor Roll (2000).
Regional awards are the average per ring with the highest ranking score per judge counted. If you only go to one show, then all of your points will be totaled and divided by the number of rings. If you compete at multiple shows and see some judges more than once, the only the best ranking per judge will be counted and divided by that number of rings.
ACFA scoring chart
CFA uses a different system. Points are based on the number of entries. So, first place in a class of 10 cats will earn more points than first place in a class of 9 cats. The points are continuously added over the season. Only the top 70 rings are counted, so a cat that shows at more rings will drop the lower scores when they get newer higher scores. Each month, the scores are calculated and the top 15 are posted so that exhibitors know who might qualify for a regional award.
CFA scoring chart